201、on a cloud
On a cloud是很高兴的意思,高兴得走路轻飘飘的好像腾云驾雾一样。
例句 1 :I’ve been on a cloud all day long–I heard this morning that I got an A on my final biochemistry exam.
例句 2 :My wife has been on a cloud since I told her the other day I would spend my year-end bonus at the office to take us to Hawaii to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary. And to tell you the truth, I’m really looking forward to it myself.
202、under a cloud
任何人under a cloud是绝不会高兴的,因为他不是丢尽了面子,就是被怀疑做了什么坏事。
例句 1 :The judge had to let him go because there wasn’t enough evidence against him. But he’s going around under a cloud because most people think he’s guilty.
例句 2 :See that man sitting at the table by himself? He’s supposed to be a very smart lawyer, but he’s been under a cloud ever since he was mixed up in a scandal involving a company that was run by a mobster.
瞧那个桌子边独自坐着的人,看见吗?他 本来是一个很能干的律师,但是自从他和一个公司的丑闻有牵连以来,他一直被人怀疑,而那个公司是由流氓集团经营的。
203、basket case
Basket的意思就是“篮子”。比如说,要是一个人在一次事故中失去了四肢,他就变得毫无能力来料理自己的生活,只能让人们把他放在一只篮子里抬来抬去。这种毫无能力和希望的情景就是basket case的意思。Basket case经常被用来形容那些很穷的国家,它们的人民饥寒交迫,毫无希望。有的时候,basket case也是指那些老是亏钱,即将倒闭的企业。
例句 1 :I’m really worried–our company is losing so much money these days that if things don’t get better in the next two months we’ll be a basket case and have to go out of business.
Basket case也可以用半开玩笑的口气来指个别人,就像下面这个人。他正在找工作,刚刚到一个公司去面谈回来:
例句 2 :They made me wait so long for the interview that I was a basket case by the time I finally got called in. I’ve never been so nervous! I stammered, I stuttered–I almost couldn’t remember my own name.
204、all washed up
wash就是洗东西的“洗”。但是,all washed up的意思是彻底完蛋,和乾净不乾净毫无关系。下面这位女士在和她妹妹说另一个他们都认识的朋友:
例句 1 :Did you hear that Gloria’s marriage is all washed up? She found her husband was seeing another woman, so she packed up, took the kids and moved out. Now she’s suing for divorce
例句 2 :That man over there used to be one of the best players in baseball. But then he started drinking, turned into an alcoholic, and just two years later he was all washed up.
205、Smart (as intelligence)
例句 1 :I hate to admit this, but my kid sister is smarter than I am. I barely passed algebra and geometry, but here she’s head of her class in both.
例句 2 :What makes my brother think he’s so smart? Sure he did a lot better than I did in college. But if he’s all that smart, how come I have a better job and make more money?
206、Smart (as fashionable)
例句 1 :The thing I like about Harry is that he’s such a smart dresser. He probably doesn’t spend any more money on his clothes than I do, but somehow he manages to look so stylish.
例句 2 :I’d love to go to this party; it’s the smartest social affair this year. But I can’t afford to buy a new gown, and everybody else there will be so smartly dressed.
207、to put on the back burner
我们经常说做事要看轻重缓急,有的时候不得不把正在做的事或计划要做的事先搁置一边。美国人把这叫做:to put on the back burner。Back就是后边,而burner在这儿的是指做饭的炉子。美国的厨房里,炉台上一般都有四个炉口,前面两个,后面两个。人们往往把很快能煮好的东西放在前面炉子上煮,把一些要慢慢煮的东西放在后面的炉子上。这就是to put on the back burner这个俗语的来源。
例句1 :Joe, I know you’re working on the Anderson contract, but let’s put it on the back burner for now. We need your help on the new Jones contract–it’s worth more than five million dollars.
例句 2 :Honey, the boss told me today he can’t give me that pay raise I was expecting. I’m afraid that means we’ll have to put our plans to buy a bigger house on the back burner until next year.
208、to drag one’s feet
好多人在做一些事的时候会表现出拖拖拉拉,很不愿意的样子。美国人把这种现象称为:to drag one’s feet。
例句 1 :Billy and Sally always drag their feet when I tell them it’s bedtime. They love to watch TV after dinner and they’d stay up till midnight if I didn’t chase them off to bed.
例句 2 :The union is dragging its feet on agreeing to a settlement. They think the company is getting desperate to get people back to work because Christmas is coming and that’s our busiest time of year.
209、to turn one’s back on someone
例句 1 :I won’t ever forgive my older brother–he turned his back on me and refused to lend me any money when I lost my job.
例句 2 :My father deserted my mother and me when I was five years old. But I can’t turn my back on him now that he’s old and sick. So I’m paying the rent for him on a little apartment in Los Angeles.
210、to get on someone’s back
To get on someone’s back是指对某人唠唠叨叨没完。太太嫌先生不帮忙做家务,先生又嫌太太太唠叨,这个现象可能是没有国界的,那儿都存在。下面两个例子表达了双方的观点,先听太太的吧:
例句 1 :I really don’t like to get on Henry’s back all the time. But after twenty years, you would think he’d learn to pick up his clothes and hang them in the closet to help me keep the house neat.
例句 2 :Helen is always on my back to make me pick up my clothes when I leave them lying around the house. She’s right, of course, but I wish she wouldn’t get on my back so much.
例句 2 :And there’s one thing that really gets my back up: my wife nagging at me to hang my clothes up as soon as I walk in the house at night after a hard day at the office.
214、to scratch one’s back
要是你觉得背上某一个地方痒痒,而你自己又抓不到。这是很难受的。在这种情况下,最好有人替你抓一下。美国人有一个普遍的说法,那就是:to scratch one’s back。To scratch one’s back从字面上来看就是“抓某人的背”。它的真正含义是:某人帮了你一下忙,而这个帮你忙的人也期望你下回帮他的忙。因此,to scratch one’s back实际上就是:这回你帮我忙,下回我就帮你的忙。
例句 1 :This senator from the 11th district scratched my back when he voted for my bill to cut state income taxes, so it’s my turn to do him a favor and vote for that bill for more money for roads in his district.
例句 2 :In my business it’s important to scratch each other’s back. Say a customer does me a favor by giving me an extra big order. The next time he’s in town I might take him out to dinner and a broadway show.
例句 1 :The electric light bulb is the brainchild of Thomas Edison, the telephone is the brainchild of Alexander Graham Bell, two 19th-century American inventors.
例句 2 :To set up a foundation in our college to help poor students was the brainchild of our sociology professor.
216、to pick one’s brain
Pick这个字的意思就是拣什么东西的“拣”。To pick one’s brain就是向别人了解情况,或是徵求精通某个问题的专家的意见,也就是利用别人的智慧。
例句 1 :I don’t understand all this scientific language. I’d better go see Doctor Rogers at the medical school and pick his brain; maybe he can make it clear to me.
在美国,to pick one’s brain是非常普遍的一种现象,因为美国人喜欢各述己见,进行辩论,然后看看谁的意见更合理。不管世界其他地方上或是在美国发生了什么事,电台和电视台都会请一些专家来谈谈他们对问题的看法,这实际上也是to pick their brains。
例句 2 :People all say that Mary is very smart. Yes, she is. But you have to know the reason why she is smart is because she always picks other people’s brains.
217、To give up the ghost
世界上到底有没有鬼?真正看见过鬼的人似乎也不多,可是几千年来,许多人一听鬼的故事就毛骨悚然。根据字典里的解释,ghost就是看不见的幽灵,人死了,他的灵魂也就离开了人体。To give up就是“放弃”。一个人放弃了灵魂不就是死了吗?To give up the ghost的意思也就是:“ 死”。
例句 1 :My poor old aunt was in bed with cancer for six months before she finally gave up the ghost.
To give up the ghost不一定指人,它还可以用来说别的东西,就像那些磨损很利害无法修理的机器:
例句 2 :I need money to buy a new car. My old one is twelve years old and I’m afraid it’s ready to give up the ghost.
218、ghost town
要是你看过美国的西部电影的话,你很可能看到过那种被遗弃的城镇。美国人把它们叫做:ghost town。一百多年前,成千上万的人都争先恐后到美国西部去淘金,想一夜就变成富翁。当时那里的小城镇都很繁荣,后来,随着淘金活动的结束,人们也就逐个地离开了那里到别处去谋生,这些城镇也就没有生命了。例句 1 :These old ghost towns can give you a scary feeling, with the buildings falling apart and the only sound is the moaning of the wind blowing through the deserted streets.
例句 2 :I come from a city in Illinois which used to have three big steel plants. But these factories closed twenty years ago and the city has almost become a ghost town with most of the people gone and most of the stores and houses boarded up like a mining town out West.
219、ghost writer
Ghost就是“鬼”。Ghost writer,难道鬼还能当作家?你可知道,美国人天天都看好多 ghost writer写的东西。可是,这些作家不是鬼,他们都是所谓的“黑笔杆”。Ghost writer替有名望的人写讲稿或写自传,因为大多数有名望的人没有写作的才能,也没有时间来写。他们雇那些ghost writer来替他们写,然后把成品当做自己的作品来发表。
例句 1 :Writers like to see their names on books. But ghost writers have to be invisible like real ghosts. But don’t feel to sorry for them: they get very well paid for writing under somebody else’s name.
例句 2 :Shakespeare died almost four hundred years ago but there are still a few people who believe Francis Bacon or somebody else was the ghost writer who really wrote all the plays which have shakespeare’s name on them.
例句 1 :I don’t believe in ghosts. But you know something? I get this spooky feeling every time I walk by this old, deserted house at night where that woman was chopped to death 30 years ago.
例句 2 :Every time I pass by funeral homes or cemetries, even in broad daylight , I always have that kind of spooky feeling as if ghosts will appear.
例句 1 :I like my boss except for one thing–he’s always nagging me about getting to work on time. I’m never more than five minutes late, and that’s only when the bus doesn’t show up on time.
例句 2 :My wife is such a nag about my smoking–she keeps after me all day long to stop it. You know, I’ve been smoking twenty years now and giving up my four packs a day is hard to do.
212、to get off one’s back
要是有人老是对你唠叨个没完,你总有一天会感到无法忍耐,你可能会说: “Hey, get off my back, will you!”这句话的意思是:“喂,你别跟我唠叨了,行不行!”我们这儿要讲的常用语就是:to get off one’s back。
例句 1 :I’m telling you, if that guy doesn’t stop nagging me about working faster, I’m going to tell him to get off my back or I’ll walk right off the job and let him see how hard it is to find a good mechanic these days.
To get off one’s back还可以指一些对人起限制作用的规章、条例或机构等。
例句 2 :Do you know what would help pick up the economy? Just get the government off our backs with all these useless rules and regulations that keep us filling out forms and showing inspectors around.
213、to get one’s back up
当一只猫生气的时候,它往往把它的背拱起来,嘴里还发出呼呼的声音,显得它随时准备施展它那爪子的威力。to get one’s back up这个常用语就出自猫的这种形像,它就是生气的意思。
例句 1 :One thing really gets my back up — the way my husband leaves his clothes on the bed or on the floor, so I have to pick them up all the time.
例句 2 :And there’s one thing that really gets my back up: my wife nagging at me to hang my clothes up as soon as I walk in the house at night after a hard day at the office.
221、to brainstorm
美国人在面临难题的时候往往会坐在一起交换意见,找出解决问题的方案。不管是在私营公司,或是在政府机构里,这种现象是常见的。美国人把这种做法叫作:to brainstorm。Brain就是脑子,storm就是暴风雨。Brainstorm是一个字,意思就是:群策群力,即所谓的“头脑风暴法”。
例句 1 :I’m sorry to tell you our client has turned down the ads we did for him. Let’s meet at 2 o’clock and brainstorm ideas.
例句 2 :Say, I just had a brainstorm! In our ads for these new cars, why don’t we talk about their safety features and not how fast they go. A lot of people are worried about safety these days.
例句 1 :Sure, all the eggheads love Stevenson. But how many eggheads do you think there are?
例句 2 :I have to tell you that since he went off to college, Bill has turned into a real egghead. He’d rather read a book on physics than see a movie or a good football game on TV.
223、to grab a bite
To grab a bite要翻成口语就是:先吃点什么垫垫肚子,因此和正式吃一顿饭有很大不同。
例句 1 :Honey, I’m so hungry I could eat a horse! I was so busy at work today. I didn’t even have time to run out and grab a bite at that Kentucky Fried Chicken place across the street.
例句 2 :We need to hurry if we want to see the 7:30 movie. Let’s just stop off and grab a bite to eat at that hamburger joint near the theater.
例句 1 :My husband and I have worked hard to make our new restaurant a success, but most of all I thank my father for giving us the grubstake to open it.
例句 2 :I want to quit my job and open a sporting goods shop for myself. But I’m having trouble finding anybody to put up a grubstake to help me get started.
例句 1 :One of the real pleasure of life for me is to sit and munch on hot buttered popcorn while I watch a good movie.
例句 2 :No wonder Betty has trouble keeping her weight down. Between meals she munches all day long on potato chips, salted peanuts and candy.
226、hors d’oeuvre
在美国和其他西方国家,举行正式招待会的时候,或者在正式的晚餐前,主人往往会用一些小点心来款待大家。这种小点心有一个特殊名称,那就是hors d’oeuvre。大家一定感到这个字的拼法很奇怪,是的,这是字本身是法文,所以它的拼法和一般英文拼法不太一样。Hors d’oeuvre在法文里的意思是:主菜以外的食品。
例句 1 :Last year our company had a great New Year’s party with a fine sit-down dinner. But this year, with business so bad, we only had a stand-up reception with a few hors d’oeuvres like cheese on crackers and some cheap wine.
例句 2 :You should have been at the French Embassy reception last night. The hors d’oeuvres were so tasty I filled up on them and didn’t eat any dinner when I got home.
227、to call the shots
我们经常会问别人:你们家里谁说了算?也就是谁作最后决定、下命令,美国人经常说:to calls the shots。 To call the shots原来的意思是:军官下令部队开枪。但是现在to call the shots已经在口语中常常出现。
例句 1 :The three partners who own our company are supposed to have equal say in running it. But one of them, old Mister Johns, is the one who calls the shots and tells us what to do.
例句 2 :Some men in the office thought no woman could be strong enough to be boss. But a week after Miss Smith took charge, they learned she was going to call the shots and they’d better listen.
228、to call one’s bluff
To call one’s bluff就是揭露某人虚张声势的做法。这个俗语来自美国人喜欢玩的扑克牌游戏。有时你手里的牌很坏,但是你想让别人认为你手里的牌好极了,可是别人不相信你,对你进行挑战,这就是to call one’s bluff。
例句 1 :Sometimes you can scare the other players out of the game with a bluff and ‘steal’ the pot with a worthless hand. But it can be very expensive if another player calls your bluff.
例句 2 :One of our salesmen asked for a raise in salary today, and said he’d have to leave if we didn’t give him a raise. But I called his bluff–I told him no, and wished him good luck. Then he said he’d stay on with us because he liked working here so much.
229、to call up
To call up的最普通的意思是给某人打电话。但是,to call up也可以解释为:引起一个人的记忆。美国人很喜欢出去旅行,一到夏天,好多人都利用每年的假期到国内外去旅行。每次旅行都带一些具有当地特色的纪念品回家。因此,不少美国人家里都陈列着各国的手工艺品。
例句 1 :Every time I look at that black and gold lacquer box on my desk, it calls up memories of our trip to Bangkok last year.
To call up还可以用在军事方面,意思是在紧急情况下调动预备役军队来参加某些行动。
例句 2 :After the hurricane hit the Florida coast, the governor called up the National Guard to help with the rescue work.
230、to call it a day
To call it a day的意思是你工作了一天,到晚上你停止工作回家休息,但是准备第二天再回去继续完成昨天没做完的事。说简单一点也就是:结束一天的工作。
例句 1 :I worked on my term paper until about ten o’clock last night, but got so sleepy I decided to call it a day. I’ll finish it this afternoon when I come back from class.
例句 2 :We’ve got so much news to handle today that I didn’t even have time to have lunch. Now I am going to call it a day and go home to have a good rest.
231、to rub elbows
Elbow就是胳膊肘儿。许多诗人喜欢描写漂亮的脸或美丽的身材,可是没有人描写胳膊肘儿的。然而,人体的这一部份却用处很大。To rub就是磨擦,to rub elbows的意思是出去和别人接触和交际。
例句 1 :I like Mister Lewis. He’s one of the richest, most powerful men in New York, but he’s not stuck-up at all. In fact he really enjoys getting out and rubbing elbows with all us ordinary people.
例句 2 :If you travel across America by bus, you rub elbows with all sorts of people. You’ll meet older retired people, young students and others who ride the bus because it’s cheaper than flying.
232、elbow room
Elbow room的最普通解释就是:某人能施展的地方或空间。
例句 1 :My husband and I are looking for a bigger house to move into. We have six children and a seventh on the way, and we need a lot more elbow room than we have now.
例句 2 :I can think of one person who has more elbow room than she needs–the Queen of England. They say that Windsor Castle has more than a thousand rooms. Now that’s real elbow room.
例句 1 :Basketball is a game for tall people. But once in a while a player like Mugsy Bogues comes along. Mugsy is a real shrimp–only 1.6 meters tall. But he’s so quick and clever he can play on equal terms with all those giants.
例句 2 :The great French leader Napoleon was shorter than everybody around him, so you’d have to call him a little shrimp. But for a shrimp, he certainly made the rest of Europe tremble.
例句 1 :I don’t like any of my teachers much, but the one I hate the most is Missus Gray. She’s such an old crab, always scolding us for making noise, chewing gum, not doing our homework.
例句 1 :My neighbor is such an old crab. He practically does not allow me to listen to music and watch TV. Whenever I turn on my radio or television set, he knocks on my door and angrily orders me to stop.
235、to smell fishy
新鲜的鱼营养很丰富,味道又鲜美。可惜的是,鱼很容易变质,时间放长了,它就会发臭。Fish就是鱼,fish后面加一个y,就成了fishy,也就是fish的形容词。To smell fishy的意思是在某一件事情上你感到不太对头,似乎有人在进行欺骗,这时候你就可以说: “It smells fishy.”
例句 1 :Somebody offered to sell me some beach property in Florida at a good cheap price. But the deal smelled fishy so I went down to take a look. Sure enough, every time the tide came in, the land was under three feet of water.
例句 2 :It appeared to be a real bargain, but I smelled something fishy because the man was in such a hurry to sell it. I was right–later on I found out the car was stolen.
236、to fish for compliments
在陆地上,鱼虽然钓不到,但是人们往往想钓别的东西,例如:to fish for compliments。Compliments就是赞扬或者恭维。To fish for compliments就是用一种巧妙的方法来让别人恭维你、赞扬你。
例句 1 :Do you notice how Dora always fishes for compliments? She keeps asking the men in the office what they think of her new hairdo, or whether they think her new dress is the right color for her.
例句 2 :I hope you don’t think I’m fishing for a compliment, but have you had a chance to read my new book? The reviews are good, but I’d like to hear what you think about it.
例句 1 :I wouldn’t go out on a date with Mary if she was the last woman in the world. She’s such a turkey with that boring personality and stupid grin.
例句 2 :This man came with a good recommendation from his last job, but it turns out he’s just a turkey who simply can’t do anything right!
238、cold turkey
说到吃火鸡,美国人有的时候吃热的,也有的时候吃冷的。可是,cold turkey作为一个俗语,它的意思就不是冷火鸡肉了,而是指一些人突然终止某种已经成隐的习惯,如非法吸毒、酗酒或抽烟等。
例句 1 :You know, for 25 years I smoked two packs a day. But the day a good friend of mine died of lung cancer, I decided to go cold turkey and never light up another cigarette. It was tough, but it was the smartest thing I ever did in my life.
从这个例子我们可以看到,cold turkey是指立即全部停止一个行为,而不是逐步的。
例句 2 :I needed to lose weight quick, so I gave up ice cream, cake and other rich foods cold turkey. And do you know I lost ten pounds in just a little over a month!
美国人特别喜欢吃牛肉,最普遍的吃法是用牛肉末做汉堡包,或者是切成大块煎牛排。尽管现在许多人都担心胆固醇太高,可是牛肉仍然是美国人最喜欢吃的食品之一。 “牛肉”的英文就是beef。要是在beef这个字后面加一个字母y,那就成了形容词beefy。当然你可以把beefy解释为“牛肉的”,但是在口语里,要是你说某人很beefy,那就是说,那个人个子很高大、肌肉很发达,就像一个280磅的重量级摔跤运动员一样。
例句 1 :These two guys were pushing me around until my brother, who’s a beefy football player on the school team, came out and asked me if I needed help. You should have seen those two guys run.
例句 2 :You expect a big, beefy man to have a deep, deep voice. But my beefy neighbor who must weigh 120 kilos has a high-pitched squeaky voice like a man half his size.
你以为一个个子高大、非常粗壮的人,他的声音一定会非常低沉。但是我那邻居,虽然他高头大马,体重有120 公斤,然而他的声音却又高又细,就像一个体格比他小一半的人发出来的声音。
240、o beef up
To beef up 的意思是:增加力量。这可能和美国人认为牛肉能够增强体力的想法有关。但是,to beef up这个说法并不一定局限在身体强壮这一个方面,这个俗语实际上可以用在生活各个方面。
例句 1 :A general beefs up his forces before a battle by adding more tanks and artillery. A college can beef up its educational level by hiring highly-qualified professors.
例句 2 :I am happy to tell you that our sales increased almost 25 percent in the last six months after we beefed up our sales force by hiring 50 more sales people in California and Texas.
听到snowball这个字,我们脑子里就会出现孩子们冬天在雪地里扔雪球玩的形像。这当然是 snowball这个字的原来意思。可是,snowball 也可以当动词用来形容某一样东西很快就变得越来越大,就像滚雪球那样。
例句 1 :Sally’s happy about how her new seafood restaurant is doing. Business was slow at first but it’s really snowballed the last couple of months: now you have to wait in line to get a table.
例句 2 :The latest polls show that public opinion is starting to snowball in favor of our opponent. We need to find some more good things to say about our candidate and find them quick.
242、snow job
Snow job就是用拍马屁、夸张等手法来欺骗或说服别人。我们来举一个例子:在美国,人人都要买各种各样的保险;健康、房子、汽车保险等。那些保险公司的推销员靠着他们三寸不烂之舌向顾客推销,说的天花乱坠,你一不小心就会上当。
例句 1 :This guy kept telling me how much I’d save with his company. But when I read the policy he was selling, I realized he was giving me a snow job. So I told him thanks but no thanks.
例句 2 :That new man who’s running for Congress makes a lot of promises what he’ll do for the people. But I keep having this uneasy feeling that he’s only giving us a snow job.
243、to break the ice
To break就是打破的意思,ice 当然就是冰的意思。To break the ice 作为俗语是指:缓和紧张气氛,使在场的人放松一些。
例句 1 :He started the meeting with a couple of jokes to get people to relax. Then he went around the table and asked everybody to stand up and tell a little about themselves and that broke the ice in a hurry.
他 (这是指会议主席)一开始就讲了两个笑话,让大家放松一些。然后,他围着桌子让每个人站起来简单地自我介绍一。这样很快就使气氛缓和了。
例句 2 :It’s hard to break the ice at a party for adults where everybody is a stranger. But you put a bunch of young kids together and the noise tells you they break the ice in five minutes.
例句 1 :My boss is the smartest man I know. But he’s a real iceberg: he acts like he has no feelings for other people. In fact you can almost feel the chill when he walks into the office.
例句 2 :We thought our neighbor next door was a real iceberg, cold and aloof to us all. But at his daughter’s wedding he wore a big smile and was so friendly I couldn’t believe he was the same man.
自从电视普及以来,人们往往会把一些电视广告里特别吸引人的词句用到日常生活中去。几年前在美国,有一个快餐店在电视上做广告,广告里是一个老太太在另一家快餐店里买了一个汉堡宝。她打开一看里面只有小小的一块肉。她既惊奇,又生气地问:“Where’s the beef?” Beef 就是牛肉,where’s the beef?也就是:牛肉在哪里?意思就是:这个汉堡包里的牛肉太少。几乎在一夜之间,人们就把这个电视广告里的问句用到日常生活中去了。连民主党总统候选人蒙代尔在1984年总统竞选时都用这句话来攻击他的对手里根总统。里根当时已经担任了四年总统,正在竞选连任。蒙代尔认为里根在任职四年期间没有取得实质性的成就,所以他在竞选演说问了这样一句话:
例句 1 :Where’s the beef,Mr. President — where’s the beef?
从字面上来翻译,这句话的意思是:牛肉在那里,总统先生–牛肉在那里? 当然,蒙代尔并非真的要牛肉。他说那句的意思是:你不要尽说空话,我们要看实质性的成就。可是这句话并没有帮蒙代尔的忙,里根总统在那次选举中非但打败了蒙代尔,而且还赢得了美国有史以来空前的竞选胜利。
例句 2 :Our history teacher is a good talker but there isn’t much real meat about history in what he says. I’d like to ask him, ‘Where’s the beef?’ because we sure don’t learn much from him.
246、turkey farm
Turkey是火鸡,farm就是农场。但是,turkey farm合在一起作为俗语用的时候和农场却毫无关系。在每个政府机构或者私营公司里总会有一些工作能力低或者是不愿勤恳工作的人;但是,由于种种原因,领导又没有办法解雇这些人。为了使工作不受影响,这些机构的领导往往把这些人调到一个地方,就像打入冷宫一样。实际上也就是把他们养在那里。这种地方就是叫turkey farm。
例句 1 :The man is so incompetent we’d like to fire him. But he has good political connections so we sent him to our turkey farm out in Denver where he can’t cause much damage.
例句 2 :There is a secretary in my office who tries to do as little as possible. I have warned her several times. If she continues to behave that way, one day I am going to send her to the turkey farm.
我办公室里的一个秘书总是设法干得越少越好。我已经警告她好几回了。 要是她继续这样下去的话,总有一天我要把她送到那个全是废物的部门去。
247、sitting duck
Duck就是鸭子。一只正在飞的鸭子可不容易打到它;然而一只浮在水面上的鸭子却是一个很容易击中的目标。Sitting duck 从字面上解释就是:一只坐着的鸭子;作为一个俗语,它的意思是:一个很容易受骗,或被打击的对象。
例句 1 :Sure. My friend Joe is a sitting duck for any phony offer that promises to make him rich in a hurry. Anytime a fast-talking salesman comes along with a promise to make Joe a millionaire overnight, Joe will hand over his money. And, of course, he’ll never see it again.
例句2 :It was early on a Sunday morning and the Americans had no warning. So the battleships and destroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.
248、dead duck
就像我们上面所说的,一个sitting duck是很容易被骗或甚至受到伤害。有时它甚至会处于一个毫无希望的境地,给予它任何帮助都无济于事。美国人把这种情况称为:dead duck。Dead就是死的意思,一只死的鸭子当然就是没救的了。
例句 1 :If I were you, I wouldn’t put any more money into the restaurant. It’s simply in the wrong part of town. Honey, I’m afraid it’s already a dead duck — there isn’t any way to save it.
Dead duck这个俗语可以用在生活的各个方面。美国的政界人物也经常使用这个俗语。凡是美国总统提出的法案都必须获得国会参议院和众议院的通过才能成为法律。
例句 2 :The President’s proposal looks like a dead duck — some congressmen in his own party are against it, so I’m afraid he won’t get enough votes to get it passed through the Congress.
249、chicken out
To chicken out的意思是:你原来计划好要做一件事,但是到最后一分钟你害怕了,感到你不能做那件事了。To chicken out也可以说是临阵退却。这种现象可能出现在许多方面,而且几乎每个人都在不同情况下经历过。比如说,一个从来没有在许多人面前讲过话的人接受了演讲的邀请。在准备过程中,他满有信心,感到自己虽然没有经验,但是不会有问题的。可是等到真要上台的前一刻,他的两条腿发软了,心里感到很恐惧,认为自己不可能完成这个任务。这就是to chicken out。
例句 1 :Today I was sure I could work up my courage and dive off the ten-meter board at the pool. I walked right out to the edge, but then I chickened out — it looked like a long way down to the water!
例句 2 : My friend Joe was planning to get married for the fourth time. But at the last moment he chickened out because his first three marriages ended in divorce and he was afraid to take another chance.
250、chicken feed
鸡是一种很小的家禽,它的胃当然也很小,吃不了太多东西。chicken feed就是来自这种现象。Feed 在这儿的意思就是喂鸡的饲料。Chicken feed作为俗语,它的意思就是:很小数量的钱,少得像喂鸡的饲料一样。
例句 1 :I turned down the job at the hamburger restaurant. They only pay chicken feed — not even enough money to pay my rent.
例句 2 :My grandfather says that 50 years ago a salary of $5,000 a year meant you could live very comfortably. But these days $5,000 is just chicken feed; you’d have a tough time just surviving on it.

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