151、at the drop of a hat
At the drop of a hat的意思是:一有信号可以马上行动。它往往用来形容那些脾气很暴躁的人。
例句 1 :Tom Atkins is usually a good-hearted, friendly guy. But he has one problem–a hot temper. Say something he doesn’t agree with, and he’ll start a loud argument at the drop of a hat.
At the drop of a hat这个习惯用语不一定要用于争辩或打架的场合。它也可以解释为:在有必要的时候,某人可以立即行动。
例句 2 :I have a job that involves a lot of travel on short notice. I always keep one bag packed so I’m ready to go at the drop of a hat when I get a call from the boss asking me to catch the next plane to Chicago.
152、to talk through one’s hat
To talk through one’s hat这个俗语的意思就是:说话的人自己根本不懂,所以他的话实际上是胡说八道。这个俗语是出自两百年前的一次总统竞选。在1888年,纽约的一家报纸登了一幅漫画,讽刺当时正在竞选总统的本杰明·哈里森。哈里森经常戴一顶很高的帽子,所以漫画家把他的帽子画得很大,连他的脸都给遮住了。漫画下面的注解说,当哈里森发表竞选演说的时候,他是通过他的帽子向听众说话的,也就是胡说八道 。尽管如此,哈里森还是在那次竞选中当选为美国总统。
例句 1 :Anybody who says we can balance the budget without raising taxes is just talking through his hat.
例句 2 :Hey, don’t listen to that guy. He’s talking through his hat when he tells people that two-headed men from Mars have landed a spaceship near Washington and the government is keeping it secret.
153、Hang on to your hat
要是你头上根本没有戴帽子,而有人对你说:Hang on to your hat是何意呢?hang on就是抓住的意思,所以从字面上解释就是:抓住你的帽子。可是,你既没有戴帽子,为什么人家要叫你:抓住你的帽子呢?实际上,hang on to your hat不能按它的字面来解释,这个俗语的真实意思就是:有特别惊人的消息,你要准备好,不要因为过于惊奇而让帽子都从头上掉了下来。
例句 1 :Hang on to your hat–you won’t believe this but last night Bill asked me to marry him!
例句 2 :Hi, honey, I have something to tell you! Now hang on to your hat–the boss says he wants me to take charge of the new office in Honolulu. How about that for a nice surprise!
154、to keep something under your hat
帽子是一个藏东西的好地方,不管是把一封信放在帽子底下不让别人看到,还是戴上一顶帽子把自己的秃顶遮起来。To keep something under your hat这个俗语的意思就是:我要告诉你一个秘密,但是千万不要告诉任何人。
例句 1 :Mary told me her husband is seeing another woman and she’s thinking about leaving him but please keep it under your hat.
例句 2 :Can you keep a secret? The boss’s secretary just told me he’s leaving for another job. She told me not to tell anybody else, so keep it under your hat.
例句 1 :Today George Miller actually had the nerve to ask me to go to the Christmas dance with him! Sure, he’s getting straight A’s in all his classes, but look at those thick classes, and those dull clothes he wears. I’d rather be caught dead than to out with a nerd like him.
例句 2 :The big surprise was seeing Bill Green. He was such a nerd 20 years ago–too busy studying instead of having a good time like most of us. But maybe he had the right idea; he owns his own computer company and is worth ten million bucks.
例句 1 :You may call me a nerd, but I think it’s more important to study hard than to be a jock and play football or basketball. The trouble is, though, the girls all want to go with jocks, the guys with the muscles and team sweaters.
现在美国学校里好些女学生也积极参加各种体育运动,她们被称为:girl jock。
例句 2 :My kid sister is only six but it looks like she’ll turn out to be a girl jock. Instead of staying in the house, she loves to go outside and play baseball with the boys. And you know something–she’s better at it than most of the boys.
例句 1 :As far as I know, this guy Roger Bly is honest. And he’s had a pretty good voting record in Congress. But he looks like such a wimp: I’m afraid he doesn’t have the guts(guts pl. 勇气)to handle a real crisis when it comes up. So I guess I’ll vote for the other guy.
例句 2 :I’m afraid my sister married a real wimp. Sure, he makes a good salary and treats her well. But he lets himself get pushed around by everybody–waiters, clerks in stores, the guy who pumps gas–he’s afraid to stand up for his rights.
例句 1 :I’m worried about this young fellow my daughter is dating. He never finished school, he doesn’t have a job, he dresses like a bum(n.游荡者, 游民,乞丐)–he looks like a real turkey to me.
例句 2 :Some private firms and official agencies have what they call a “turkey farm”, a part of the organization where their turkeys can be sent to get them out of the way until it’s possible to fire them.
159、to throw one’s hat in the ring
美国总统大选一般是在十一月初举行。可是,竞选活动往往早就开始了。在竞选的第一个阶段,那些认为自己有资格当总统的人经过多方考虑后做出究竟参不参加这次总统竞选的决定。美国人经常用To throw one’s hat in the ring这个俗语来是指某人决定参加竞选。这个说法可能是来自很早以前的一种风俗。那时,有的职业摔跤运动员经常到各地去旅行和当地的人才一比高低。如果当地有某个人决定和他比赛的话,那个人就把他的帽子往场里一扔,表示接受挑战。当然,这类到处旅行,像中国古时候摆擂台的那种方式现在很少见了,可是这个俗语却被普遍用来形容接受挑战,参加竞选。
例句 1 :A former senator from Massachusetts named Paul Tsongas was the first Democrat to throw his hat in the ring for this year’s presidential election.
例句 2 :People at first thought that the Governor of New York would throw his hat in the ring. But he waited and waited and announced at the last minute that he would not run for president.
160、to go on the stump
在竞选总统的第二个阶段,那些决定参加竞选的人开始到各地去参加各州的初选。To go on the stump在这里的意思是参加竞选的人到各处去发表讲演,争取选民的支持。你要是查字典的话,stump这个字的一个意思是:树墩。树墩和到处演讲这两者之间在美国是有历史性联系的。在美国刚成立的时候,人们为了开荒种地和建立新的城镇,砍掉好多树。竞选公职的候选人往往站在树墩上发表演说。慢慢地,stump这个字就演变到现在的意思,也就是竞选者到各处去演说争取选票。
例句 1 :The governor is running for reelection, and he’s looking hard for votes–he’ll go on the stump in the whole state next month and make speeches in over fifty cities and towns.
例句 2 :Usually, candidates fly to different places to make speeches. This year, however, the Democratic candidates Clinton and Gore took a bus to make their stump speeches in order to meet more people at the grassroots level.
161、favorite son
Favorite son从字面上来解释是:受宠的儿子。可是用在选举上,它的意思就变了。决定参加总统竞选的人来自各州,当一个有候选人的州举行初选的时候,本州的候选人就是favorite son。其他竞选者要到那些有favorite son的州去参加初选,那可就麻烦了。因为,一般来说,同一个党的人总是会支持本州的候选人,那怕他们明明知道这个人根本不可能被提名为总统候选人。在2000年美国总统大选时,爱奥华州就发生了类似情况。请看例句:
例句 :Every election year Iowa gets lots of national attention because it is the first state to show which candidates it wants. But this year other presidential hopefuls did not spend much time in Iowa because Senator Harkin from Iowa was a favorite son candidate.
162、sound bite
参加竞选总统的候选人越来越多地利用新闻媒介来宣传他们的观点和攻击竞争对手。习语sound bite就是插入电视新闻节目当中的一个和选举有关的录像片段。比如,有几个候选人同时在一个州进行竞选,当地的电视播音员就可能做一个节目介绍这几位候选人,其中包括他们的讲话片段。这些片段虽然很短,不会超过十五秒钟,可是候选人却把这种机会看的很重要,因为全国各地的选民都能看到。为了要公平对待每个候选人,给他们同等的时间,新闻节目有时会出现一些问题,就像下面这个例子一样:
例句 1 :We have a problem in our six o’clock newscast. We have sound bites of four candidates and we better squeeze in all four. Which means we’ll have to cut some other story out of the show.
例句 2 :Some of the presidential candidates are more interested in sound bites than sound policies.
有些竞选总统的候选人对自己在电视上演讲的片段比他们对制定好的政策更感兴趣。这句话里有两个sound这个字,sound bites里的sound是指声音,而sound policies是指好的、有效的政策。
163、blame game
在竞选总统或各级官员的过程中,每个候选人为了当选总是想方设法地抬高自己,贬低别人。他们用的策略之一就是:blame game。Blame是责怪或指责的意思,game在这里是指策略或手法。Blame game是候选人把造成某些社会问题的责任推到竞选对手身上去的手法,那怕他明明知道这是他自己的责任。
例句 1 :I’m not going to play the blame game and say who’s at fault that so many people are out of work. But I have to tell you my opponent did vote against three bills to create new jobs.
例句 2 :Harry Truman, who was President from 1945 to 1952, was one man who did not play the blame game. He had a sign on his desk: The Buck Stops Here.
164、negative campaigning
Negative是反面的意思,campaigning就是竞选。Negative campaigning就是候选人集中力量讲对手的缺点,以此来抬高自己。
例句 1 :A listener just called in to ask what I mean by negative campaigning. Well, it means a candidate’s main strategy is to tell voters how bad the other guy is instead of talking about how good he is himself.
一位听众刚才打电话来问什么是negative campaigning。Negative campaigning的意思是一个候选人采用的主要策略是告诉选民他的对手是如何的坏,而不是说自己是如何如何的好。
例句 2 :Some political observers say that negative campaigning isn’t working this year–that voters want to hear positive ideas about how to create new jobs and give people better health care.
165、swing voter
大多数选民一般来说总是忠于自己所属的党,民主党投民主党候选人的票,共和党投共和党候选人的票。但是,有一部份人由于某种原因对自己的党不太满意。他们最终投谁的票在于哪个党的候选人在重要的问题上能提出更迎合他们的主张,因此两个党都要争取这些动摇不定的选民,也就是swing voter。他们可能在选举前改变好几次主意。
例句 1 :The political experts say that the election in the state of Michigan is too close to predict. It’s the swing voters who will decide who wins there and we don’t know what they are thinking.
例句 2 :This is going to be a close election. The only way we can win this time is to work as hard as we can to win over the swing voters.
166、to come out swinging
To come out swinging实际上是来自拳击运动的一个俗语。当两个重量级拳击手比赛的时候,只要铃一响,他们就冲到场地的中央,尽力地挥舞双臂,各自企图在对方还没有时间袭击他的时候就给对方致命一击。竞选时,为了争取选民,双方候选人往往就采取互相攻击的策略,to come out swinging就是互相攻击的意思。
例句 1 :After a day off, President Bush and Governor Clinton this morning again launched another hard week of campaigning, and they both came out swinging.
例句 2 :They say the big mistake the Democratic candidate made in 1988 was that he failed to come out swinging the day after the convention.
167、Don’t change horses in the middle of the stream.
在1992年的美国总统大选中,一次民意测验显示,布什总统落后于民主党候选人克林顿。这使人想起在十九世纪美国内战期间担任总统的林肯。林肯在竞选连任的时候也遇到了重重困难,当时他对选民说: “Don’t change horses in the middle of the stream.” Horses就是“马”的意思,in the middle of the stream是指“河流的中间”。”Don’t change horses in the middle of the stream”也就是说:不要在过河过到一半的时候换你骑的马。就美国选举来说,这个俗语的意思就是:即便你们对我不满意,但是目前美国问题很多,不是换总统的时候。林肯的这句话很有名,竞选连任的官员经常引用他这句话。
例句 1 :I may have made a few mistakes in the last four years. But, my friends, let me tell you this–with the economy in bad shape, this is no time to change horses in the middle of the stream.
例句 2 :I kind of like this new man because he has some fresh ideas. But I guess I’ll vote for the old guy who has the job now. Somehow, I just don’t like to change horses in the middle of the stream.
168、jump on the bandwagon
很早以前在收音机和电视还没有出现的时代,竞选官职的人为了吸引公众的注意往往会雇一个乐队,让他们在一辆马车上演奏。马车上贴了许多标语,鼓励人们投某某人的票。这种有乐队的马车就叫bandwagon。要是这个候选人特别受人拥护,那些无足轻重的小政客就会登上那辆马车,让人们知道他们和这位名人关系很好。这就是jump on the bandwagon。从字面上来看,这是“跳上有乐队的马车”的意思。实际上这种马车已经不再存在,这个俗语还是经常使用的,意思是:站在某候选人一边,表示支持。
例句 1 :After the latest polls I think that Green is going to win. Let’s jump on the bandwagon right now and endorse the man before we get left behind.
例句 2 :Sometimes you can tell who is going to win a big office like President or Governor by watching how many other politicians come running to jump on his bandwagon and get credit for supporting him.
例句 1 :On the campaign trail today the Republicans and the Democrats both hurled charges accusing the other side of using sleaze despite promises by Bush and Clinton to stop such tactics.
例句 2 :I don’t intend to use sleaze against my opponent although there are plenty of things in his personal life that the voters ought to know about.
例句 1 :Both the Republicans and the Democrats agree that the big problem with the government in Washington is political gridlock. But they certainly don’t agree who is to blame.
例句 2 :Our State is just like Washington–we have a Republican Governor and a Democratic legislature. So we usually have gridlock on new programs because one side won’t approve what the other side does.
171、lame duck
克林顿在一九九二年十一月三号当选为美国第四十二届总统。这一结果使好些原来布什政府的官员都处于即将下任的境地,布什总统也包括在内。美国人给这些竞选失败、即将下任的官员起了一个名字,叫做:lame duck。Lame的意思就是“走起路来一瘸一瘸的”,duck就是“鸭子”。从字面上来解释lame duck就是:一只瘸的鸭子。但是,我们这儿指的不是鸭子,而是一个经选举产生的政府官员竞选连任失败,可是他的任期还有几个星期或几个月。 任何政府官员都可能成为lame duck。从总统、参议员、一直到州长和市长。就拿布什总统来说吧,他的总统任期一直要到一九九三年的一月二十号克林顿宣誓就职为止。克林顿在当选后的第二天发表讲话时说:”During the transition…, I urge America’s friends and foes alike to recognize…that America has only one President at a time…” 克林顿说:“在过渡时期内……,我要敦促美国的朋友和敌人都认识到…,美国在任何时候只有一位总统……”也就是说,在一九九三年一月二十号之前,美国的总统仍然是布什。然而,一个任期只剩下几个星期的官员很自然地会失去很多权力。这就是为什么把他们称为lame duck,因为他只能像一只瘸的鸭子那样,一拐一拐地走,再也飞不起来了。
例句 :The governor of our state ended up as a lame duck when he lost the election. He still has six weeks left in office but there’s nothing to do except to pack up his papers.
172、golden parachute
那么这些lame duck今后怎么办呢?在这些人中,有许多都能找到一个golden parachute。Golden的意思是“金的”,parachute指的是“降落伞”。作为一个俗语,golden parachute就是那些下任的官员在失去他们原来的工作后在经济上提供保障的安排。当布什总统明年一月卸任的时候,他将和其他总统一样在他有生之年享受一份优厚的退休金。按照美国法律,国家还为他提供保安人员和为维持他办公室的一笔资金。在那些下任的官员中,有些运气好的将担任一些企业的执行总裁,到一个律师事务所去工作,或者为一些企业进行游说,设法影响他们以前在政府工作时的同事。
例句 :Congressman Blank lost the election. But he has a golden parachute–he’s been offered a job as a senior vice president in a big company in his home state of New York.
173、on the fence
各种语言都有一套特殊的政治词汇,美国英语也不例外。美国国会议员在通过各项法案时经常要投票表示自己的立场。但是,有些议员在面临有争议的法案时往往感到难以作出决定。美国人把这种情况叫做:on the fence。Fence就是“篱笆”。On-the-fence的意思也就是骑在篱笆上,左右不定,也就是说,还没有决定投赞成票,还是反对票。
例句 1 :Sorry, friend: I can’t tell you right now how I will vote on the new tax bill. I’m still on the fence: I’m looking for more information before I decide which way I’ll jump.
on the fence也可能指那种两面观望,看准了如何行动才对自己有好处的所谓“骑墙派”。
例句 2 :That man has managed to stay in office for ten years by being a regular fence-sitter. He never makes up his mind how to vote on an issue until he’s sure whether most voters are for or against it.
例句 1 :This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man’s support. But he’s such a maverick we can’t count on his voting with the party.
例句 2 :Congressman Black is a real maverick but the voters keep sending him back to Washington. They admire a man who votes the way he really feels instead of just trying to please the voters all the time.
175、to give somebody a piece of one’s mind
To give someone a piece of one’s mind并不是把自己的聪敏才智分给别人一点,而是指因为生气而对某人大发雷霆,痛快地把别人大骂一通。
例句 1 :This stupid idiot passed me on the left, then cut in ahead of me so close I had to jam on the brakes to keep from hitting him. When I caught up with him at the stoplight, I rolled down my window, and boy, did I give him a piece of my mind.
例句 2 :Today I’ll give my business manager a piece of my mind. I’m tired of him coming in an hour late every day. I’ll tell him to be here on time or look for a job some place else.
176、to tell someone off
To tell someone off也是表示生气,但是也包含一些拒绝某人要求的意思。
例句 1 :My brother-in-law borrowed $200 from me six months ago and never paid me back. So when he tried to borrow another $200 last night, I certainly told him off.
例句 2 :Can you believe this mechanic charged $800 to fix my car and it runs worse than it did before. Tomorrow I’ll go back to tell him off: I’ll make his ears burn for a week!
例句 1 :See that well-dressed man across the room? That’s Mr. Green. When he came to New York 20 years ago, he was only a hick fresh out of the cornfields of Kansas. But he turned out to be a lot smarter than he looked; they say he made ten million dollars last year trading in the stock exchange.
例句 2 :My roommate in my freshman year was a real hick. He came from a town so small it didn’t have a stop light, a building with an elevator or a movie theater.
178、city slicker
美国农民常用来贬低城里人的一个名词是:city slicker。Slick这个字的意思是很滑流。所以,一个city slicker 也就是说话很圆滑,衣着很时髦,但是很可能是一个不老实、不可信任的家伙。
例句 1 :Yep, I told Susie not to go out with any of them city slickers with their smooth talk and fancy clothes. If she has to go out, look for a farm boy. He may be a hick, but she can trust him a whole lot more.
例句 2 :Sure, a city slicker looks smart as long as he stays in a place like New York. But you put him down on a farm and he won’t do much better than a newborn baby!
179、to throw … to the wolves
Wolf就是狼,to throw … to the wolves的意思就是:牺牲别人来解救自己。这个俗语可能是来自一个俄罗斯的民间故事。这个故事说的是,一对父母带着几个孩子坐着雪橇在雪地里行走,后面有一群狼在追他们。那个做父亲的就把他的孩子一个接着一个地扔给狼吃,这样他自己就可以安全地抵达目的地。
例句 1 :The voters have been demanding that the mayor do something about all the corruption at city hall, so he threw a couple of minor officials to the wolves–he accused them of taking bribes to issue building permits and then fired them.
例句 2 :Louie, we’ve got to find some small-time guys to throw to the wolves for murdering that cop. Otherwise, the cops will trace the killing right back to us.
180、to throw the baby out with the bath water
To throw the baby out with the bath water从字面上来解释就是:在泼洗澡水的时候连孩子一起泼掉了。这是很难想象的。但是这个俗语真正表达的是:在扔掉你不要的东西时把宝贵的东西都无意地一起扔掉了。例句 1 :Our company thought they’d be smart and save money by stopping the bonuses they had been giving to the salesmen who sold the most cars each month. Well, they saved a little money, but they threw the baby out with the bath water–our best salesmen quit and went to work for our biggest competitor.
例句 2 :I’d really like to fire this man tomorrow. But if I fire him, his brother will probably leave with him. His brother is one of our best people, and I don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water.
181、to throw a wet blanket on something
A wet blanket就是一张湿的毯子。To throw a wet blanket on something就是消除别人的热情或者是破坏别人的享受,即泼冷水。这个俗语来源于:当发生火灾的时候,人们往往用湿的毯子来灭火。这个俗语还经常被用来形容那些让人感到扫兴的客人。
例句 1 :Let’s not invite Dick to the dance–he is such a wet blanket with that sour look on his face and his boring talk.
例句 2 :Bad news today: the government says that corporate earnings weren’t as good as expected the last quarter. That’ll throw a wet blanket over plans of investors to get into the stock market.
182、to throw a monkey wrench
A monkey wrench就是那种用来拧螺丝的活动扳头。要是一个工人在工作的时候不小心把扳头掉到正在运转的机器里去了,那个机器就会停顿。这也正是to throw a monkey wrench的意思,那就是影响、或终止某些本来该发生的事。
例句 1 :The family and I planned to leave Monday for a two-week vacation in California. But the boss threw a monkey wrench into our plans today when he told me I have to go to a business meeting in New York next week.
例句 2 :A federal judge threw a monkey wrench into the project to build a new oil refinery on the river. He ordered the company to stop work until they had a better plan to guard against water pollution.
183、to let the cat out of the bag
从字面上来解释,to let the cat out of the bag的意思是:让那只猫从口袋里出来。但是,它的实际意思是:在不小心的情况下泻露了秘密。
例句 1 :I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife’s birthday. But I’m afraid I let the cat out of the bag–I hid it under my socks and she found it when she was putting my clean clothes away.
例句 2 :It was supposed to be a secret that we were firing our accountant for stealing money. But one of the secretaries saw the memo and let the cat out of the bag by telling her friends.
184、look like the cat that ate the canary
Canary就是金丝雀。Look like the cat that ate the canary这个俗语是用来形容一个人显得非常满足,就像一只猫终于实现了它长期来的愿望,把鸟笼打开,把里面那只可怜的金丝雀吃了一样地感到满足。
例句 1 :My friend didn’t listen to my advice and he bet twenty dollars on the horse. Why, I couldn’t believe my eyes! The horse won by a nose and my friend came back with the two thousand bucks he’d just won, looking like the cat that ate the canary.
例句 2 :Say, I think Mister Green in Personnel just got that promotion he’s been wanting so much. I saw him walk out of the boss’s office like the cat that just ate the canary.
185、rain or shine
有的活动不管天气如何都照常进行,这在中文里就是:风雨无阻。美国人的说法是:rain or shine。Rain or shine简单地说就是:不管下雨或出太阳,一切照常进行。
例句 1 :There is one big difference between baseball and football in America. If it’s a rainy day, we don’t play baseball. But teams play football rain or shine. In fact, I’ve seen football games played in a snowstorm.
Rain or shine还可以解释为:不管在什么情况下。
例句 2 :I haven’t seen mother and dad and the rest of the family for ten years, but I still know I can count on them rain or shine.
186、rainy day
Rainy day的意思是:今后可能需要钱的时候,也就是准备一些钱,以防万一。
例句 1 :Every week when I get my paycheck, I always try to put fifty dollars in my savings account for a rainy day. Who knows–I might lose my job someday or get sick and not be able to work!
例句 2 :When you’re twenty-five years old, sometimes it’s hard to worry about rainy days off in the future. But if you’re smart, you’ll start saving for rainy days because rainy days come to us all.
例句 1 :What sticks most in my mind is all the good buddies I saw killed there. I’ll remember their faces as long as I live, because they were like brothers to me.
例句 2 :Sally and I don’t have any romantic interest in each other. We’re just good buddies who come from the same town and enjoy having a cup of coffee and talking about people we both know.
例句 1 :I’m really looking forward to the tenth reunion of the class of 1983. For one thing it’s a chance to see my old sidekick Billy Bob. We roomed together, played side by side on the football team–well, he was my best buddy back in the good old days.
例句 2 :In the old cowboy movies I used to see as a boy, all the heroes had a sidekick. The sidekick was never as smart or handsome or brave as the hero but he was always there to help out in times of danger.
189、to put on the dog
To put on the dog就是摆排场给别人看。大概一百多年以前,一些有钱的人往往化很多钱去买一只稀有品种的小狗来显示自己很有钱。一些阔太太们经常在接待客人的时候把一只小狗抱在腿上来眩耀自己的阔气。当时耶鲁大学的学生就创造了to put on the dog这一说法来嘲笑那些暴发户。
例句 1 :Joe Doak is sure putting on the dog since his rich aunt died and left him 10 million dollars. He’s bought the biggest house in town and a Mercedes 600, and talks about buying some riding horses.
例句 2 :I had this friend in the army who was the son of one of the richest men in the country. But what I like about him was that he never put on the dog to show off his money.
190、to go to the dogs
例句 1 :As soon as the gold was all gone, these towns went to the dogs almost overnight. Everybody moved away, and these places are ghost towns now, with the wind whistling through the empty houses and shops.
例句 2 :I always thought my friend Pete had a good future. But then he got hooked on heroin and lost his job and his wife–I never saw a man go to the dogs so fast!
191、to let sleeping dogs lie
To let sleeping dogs lie,从字面上来看,这个俗语的意思就是不要去惹正在睡觉的狗,因为睡着了的狗不会咬人。换句话说,也就是:要是采取什么行动会给自己或别人带来麻烦,那么最好还是保持现状,不要采取行动。
例句 1 :If I were you, I would not tell Nellie you saw her husband having lunch with another woman. It might have been perfectly innocent, so I’d let sleeping dogs lie.
例句 2 :Can you prove that your neighbor stole your lawnmower? If not and you call the cops, he could make real trouble for you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie!
192、Every dog has his day
Every dog has his day这个俗语的意思是:每个人总会有实现自己愿望的一天。
例句 1 :Darling, I know how upset you are that you didn’t get the promotion. But don’t take it too hard–your turn will come. You know what they say–every dog has his day!
例句 2 :Okay, so this publisher sent back your manuscript. There are plenty of other publishers. You’ll find one who’ll buy it–remember, every dog has his day!
193、to throw a curve
美国人在打棒球时经常喜欢发曲线球,使球的方向会发生突变,这样给对方造成错觉,不能回击那个球。这和其他球类运动,如排球、乒乓球或网球,在发球时发转球的作用也很相似。逐渐地,这种让对方产生错觉,因而无法应付的球艺变成了日常用语:to throw a curve。Curve就是曲线的意思。To throw a curve就是在打棒球时发曲线球。但是作为俗语,它的意思是给别人造成错觉,让他难以应付。
例句 1 :Professor Green certainly threw us a curve today. Half the questions were from parts of the book he told us to read but he never covered them in class. Of course, most of us didn’t bother to read the stuff, so we really got caught.
To throw a curve还可以解释为“欺骗”。
例句 2 :My supervisor threw me a curve when he told me he would recommend me for the promotion. He didn’t tell me he was also recommending three other people for the same job. So I didn’t get it.
194、to throw for a loop
Loop是圆圈的意思。To throw for a loop是指“感到非常震惊”或者是“情绪很波动”。
例句 1 :Bill told me he couldn’t take me out last night because he had to study for a big exam. So it threw me for a loop when I saw him walking into the movie theater with that stupid girl who sits next to him in biology class.
例句 2 :When I saw my semester grade for the chemistry course, it really threw me for a loop! I was sure I’d get at least a “B”–but there it was in black and white: a “D”. So I barely managed to pass.
195、crocodile tears
Crocodile就是鳄鱼。Crocodile tears和中国人常说的“猫哭老鼠假慈悲”是一样的意思。Crocodile tears这个俗语来自一个古老的神话,说是鳄鱼往往发出一种哭的声音来引诱那些它们要吃的动物,然后一面吃一面流眼泪。这当然不是事实,但是这个说法已经成为了常用语,指的是鳄鱼的眼泪,实际上也就是“猫哭老鼠假慈悲”。
例句 1 :The truth is that Pete never liked his rich Uncle John. But you should have seen his crocodile tears when the old man died and left him a million dollars!
例句 2 :In his speeches the mayor always puts on a big show of crocodile tears for poor and homeless people. But I don’t see him doing anything to help them.
196、sob story
Sob是哭泣的意思,story就是故事。Sob story的意思就是某人编造一个令人伤心的故事来赢得别人的同情,甚至于让人给钱来帮助他。
例句 1 :Usually I don’t give money to beggars. But this nice young man told me a sob story about needing money for a bus ticket to see his dying mother, so I gave him two dollars.
例句 2 :On my way to work this man stopped me and said he hadn’t eaten in three days so I gave him a dollar. On my way home I saw him get into a new car and drive off and I know now he had given me a sob story.
197、to cry in one’s beer
有不少美国人经常到酒吧间去,一面喝酒,一面聊天。还有的人在心情不好的时候喜欢到酒吧间去喝酒解闷。To cry in one’s beer,它的意思是坐在酒吧间里对着啤酒哭,自己可怜自己。
例句 1 :Come on, Joe! Instead of sitting around in a bar all day crying in your beer about not having any money, why not get off your bottom and go out and look for a job!
例句 2 :I’m tired of hearing my roommate crying in his beer about how hard it is to get good grades. If he’d stay home and study instead of going out every night, I’m sure he’d do a lot better in his classes.
198、cry baby
大家有没有碰到过一种老是哭哭啼啼、抱怨日常生活中一些琐事的人?美国人把这种人叫作:cry baby。
例句 1 :Come on, Jack, you’re twenty years old–don’t be such a cry baby about everything. We all have our problems, but you ought to do something about them instead of just complaining.
例句 2 :Bill, don’t be such a cry baby about going to the dentist: all he’s going to do is clean your teeth. Look at your little sister–she’s not making a fuss about it.
例句 1 :When you look at all the trouble spots around the globe right now, the future of international trade looks very cloudy.
例句 2 :I’d have to say the chances are cloudy. We have quite a bit of support for this bill but we’re not sure that we have enough votes to get it passed.
200、in the clouds
我们每个人恐怕都有白日做梦的时候。有的时候,我们一边走路,一边在想心事,或者是一边做什么事,一边在想其他事情,身边发生什么事全然没有注意到。美国人把这叫做:in the clouds,这个短语可以解释为:心不在焉,思想开小差。
例句 1 :Sally is my best friend but she walked right past me today, and didn’t even say hello. Her head certainly was in the clouds–she looked like her mind was a thousand miles away.
例句 2 :I was really embarrassed–the teacher asked me a question and I didn’t even hear him; I was daydreaming and my head was in the clouds.